About the Journal

Focus and scope.
Originality and authorships.
Manuscript submission.
Evaluation process.
Dictamen and appeals.
Publication fee.
Editorial data.
Digital preservation policy
Interoperability protocols
Journal history
About the OJS publishing system in this journal
Bioagro Editorial Process Flow Chart


Bioagro is a scientific journal of the Agronomy Faculty of the Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado" (UCLA), in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Its periodicity is triannual and is published on the first day of the months of January, May and September. The journal is aimed, mainly but not exclusively, at professionals and technicians in the agricultural area.

The objective of the journal is the publication of original scientific papers in agricultural sciences that focus on aspects of agronomy, botany and plant breeding, entomology, soils, plant pathology and plant protection, agricultural engineering, genetics and plant breeding, ecology, industry and agricultural processing, forage production, biotechnology and social topics. Short articles may also be published in which scientific discoveries, technological developments and comprehensive diagnostics results are presented in the form of Technical Notes.

The journal gives preference to specific articles based on direct experimentation and whose results are interpreted in the light of inferential statistics, and eventually, to articles derived from descriptive research. We will not consider review articles, opinion pieces, or papers with only preliminary results.



Bioagro is published every four months in three editions identified as numbers 1, 2 y 3, thus conforming an annual volume. They cover the periods of January-April, May-August, and September-Decembe, respectively,  and are published at the beginning of each period.



Bioagro is indexed/registered in Agricola, Agris, CABI, Dialnet, Latindex Cathalogo, Redalyc, Redib, Revencyt, Scopus, Scielo, and SCI Expanded (WoS)



Privacy statement. The double-blind peer review system used by the journal does not allow the names, e-mails or any other information of the participating authors and reviewers to be revealed between the parties. 

Open access. Bioagro provides open access to its content, under the principle of making research available to the general public, thus supporting the exchange and dissemination of knowledge, allowing the free download of the contents of each volume.There are no fees for subscription, manuscript submission or evaluations; however, a contribution is requested from the authors of published articles to help with the maintenance of expenses related to computer equipment and accessories, internet service, editing, translation and layout, as well as the anti-plagiarism program and DOI.

Anti-plagiarism Policy. Bioagro is committed to maintaining high ethical and takes all possible measures against any professional negligence that takes place in its publication. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and our contributors attest that their articles have not been copied or plagiarized, in whole or in part, from other publications.

Code of ethics. Bioagro´s editorial team adopts what is established by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE) in order to guarantee the rigor and scientific quality of the journal with ethical commitment. It is understood that all the co-authors are aware of the submission of the manuscript, and also attest that it has not been published nor is its publication in another journal is being considered.



Authors attest to the originality, authorship and conflict of interest policies, and consequently, a commitment letter must be submitted before starting the evaluation process. Papers submitted to Bioagro must be original and should not be simultaneously under evaluation in another journal or publication.

 During the review process, the journal will maintain communication only with the corresponding author, as indicated in the commitment letter. Once the journal receives the corrections from the authors, the list of co-authors or their order of participation cannot be modified.

In agreement with guidelines of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE), Bioagro considers that listing an author in a paper is due to his significant contribution to the scientific content of the work. And it is understood that the order of authorship in a paper is the result of a general agreement of the authors.



The manuscripts will be submitted electronically exclusively to bioagro@ucla.edu.ve, and it is mandatory that the correspondence author keeps an active e-mail address during the manuscript processing because the communication with the Editor will be done by this mean.

Failure to comply with this requirement would hinder the processing and may be a reason for manuscript rejection.

Only in case of failure of the official mail, please send the manuscript through revistabioagro@gmail.com

The manuscript´ s structure, here: Author Guidelines



Upon reception, the manuscript is sent for initial inspection, and within one week the authors will be notified if the paper will continue the evaluation process, or if it is definitively rejected.

Papers accepted for evaluation are sent to at least two referees for review. Authors may suggest three referees giving their full names, e-mail address and institution. The Editorial Board selects the most qualified referees from this list, and from the official list of the journal reviewers. The referees must have total independence from the authors of the manuscript and will have a period of three weeks to send their evaluation.

The journal uses a double-blind system for the evaluation of manuscripts.

The official reception of the manuscripts corresponds to the date on which the authors consign all the documentation required by the journal. From that moment on, the average time for submitting the evaluation varies between three and four months. The journal receives and processes manuscripts throughout the year.

The authors will receive the result of the evaluation in a period of 3-4 months from the moment of the official reception of the manuscript. If the manuscript is not rejected, authors can take up to 30 calendar days to submit the corrected version. A note with a detailed explanation of each observation to the document must be included.

Depending on the characteristics of the paper and the response of the authors, the minimum time for the approved manuscripts to receive the acceptance letter is five months from the date of receipt.

Bioagro reserves the right to make grammatical adjustments to the text of the articles, as well as technical modifications to the figures and tables, all in accordance with the style and specifications of the journal.



After reception, the manuscripts are sent to at least two specialists in the area. In the event of a controversy for opposing opinions between two reviewers, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer, on whose opinion the acceptance or rejection depends. If controversy persists, the final decision is left to the Chief Editor.

Papers submitted to the journal may receive any of these opinions:

  • Acceptable as submitted
  • Publishable after minor changes
  • Publishable after major changes
  • Not publishable

If disagreeing the dictamen, authors of rejected manuscripts may send their appeals to the e-mail of any member of the Editorial Board. These electronic addresses appear in the Editorial Board site  https://revistas.uclave.org/index.php/bioagro/about/editorialTeam

On average, for the years 2019 and 2020, Bioagro presented a 65% rejection of the manuscripts submitted for evaluation.



The following items show the  fee to pay by authors from submission to publication of their paper:

  • Subscription … No charge
  • Submission cost… No charge
  • Article processing charge (APC)… No charge
  • Page charge… A payment is required (*)

(*) It is used for computer maintenance and accessories, internet service, editing, translation and layout of the paper, as well as the anti-plagiarism program and DOI.

 Page charge. The cost of articles coming from Venezuelan institutions is partially exempt, and represents only a symbolic amount of $ 1 per page. The first author is required to be attached to a Venezuelan institution, with a unique institutional e-mail (no business domains such as gmail, hotmail, etc.). However, for articles written in English, the fee is 3 dollars per page.

For articles from the Latin American Region the fee is $ 15 per page. However, for submissions written in English the fee is $ 25 per page.

For articles from other regions of the world the fee is $ 30 per page. Of these, a maximum of three articles will be accepted per year, selected for their impact and relevance to the Latin American Region, according to the opinion of the Editorial Board.



E-mail: bioagro@ucla.edu.ve
ISSN:1316-3361  e-ISSN: 2521-9693
Legal Deposit: 198302LA723  
Languages of publication: Spanish, English.
Starting year: 1983. 
Frequency of publication: quaterly.
Place of edition: Barquisimeto, Venezuela.
Publisher entity: Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado.
Editor in chief: Dr. Rita Avila.
Key words of the journal:  Agronomy, botany and plants propagation, entomology and zoology, soils, phytopathology and plant protection,  agrícultural engineering, genetic, plant improvement, ecology, agrifood production, biotechnology and socials.

Digital Preservation Policy and Archived

Bioagro uses Open Journal Systems (OJS), which provides the PKP-PN (PKP-Preservation Network) tool and for this journal the respective Pluging is active. In this sense, with a view to their digital preservation, the articles of this journal are automatically archived in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), thus guaranteeing a permanent and secure archive in the weather.

The archived numbers can be consulted in the LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto:  https://revistas.uclave.org/index.php/bioagro/gateway/lockss In this way, the articles are progressively archived, thus guaranteeing that the stored digital information can be remain and continue to be used in the future.

CLOCKSS stores and distributes journal content to participating libraries through the CLOCKSS Publisher Manifest page: https://revistas.uclave.org/index.php/bioagro/gateway/clockss

Bioagro journal is also complete and in open access in different databases such as DIALNET y Crossref, and since 2021 in Crossref, which guarantees its unique identification and location of its articles, protecting them from URL changes or similar. Finally, the journal publishes an HTML version of each article, which allows it to be exported to formats other than PDF, which currently exist or may appear in the future.

Interoperability Protocols
This journal provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other websites and information services to harvest the published content metadata.


OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
Dublin Core Metadata

URL for harvesters:
