Evaluation of doses, application periods and residuality of paclobutrazol in tomato
Growth regulator, PBZ, residues degradation, Solanum lycopersicumAbstract
Paclobutrazol (PBZ) is the most widely used growth retardant in the chemical manipulation of the growth and development of horticultural plants. The effect of foliar applications of PBZ in different doses and application intervals on vegetative growth, yield, physicochemical quality and residuality in Saladette tomato fruits (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in a long greenhouse production cycle, was studied. The experiment was carried out in 2019 in Chiconcuac, Mexico State. A total of 13 treatments from the combination of three doses of PBZ (35, 50 and 65 mg·L-1) and four application intervals (30, 40, 50 and 60 days), plus an absolute control, were evaluated. The experiment used a randomized complete block design with four replications and six plants as experimental units. Variables were quantified as morphological, yield, physicochemical quality, and PBZ residues in the fruits. The results showed that applications of 50 mg·L-1 of PBZ every 40 days significantly increased (P≤0.05) fruit yield per plant; in contrast, it decreased plant height and leaf area, without affecting dry weight, fresh weight and firmness of fruit. PBZ residues were found in the epidermis of fruits that exceeded the maximum residue limits (MRL) recommended by the European Union and Japan; the degradation of the product over time did not reach 50 % even 14 days after application. Washing with simple water or detergent eliminated almost all residues adhered to the epidermis of the fruit, and there were no residues in the pulp.
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