About the Journal

Quality, Technology and Agroindustrial Development (CATEDEA), is a scientific journal specialized in the Sciences of Agriculture and the Sea of ​​the Deanery of Agronomy of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA), of open access, indixed, arbitrated, of annual publication and in Spanish Language.

Its editorial line includes specialized topics in agro-industry related to: development, optimization, innovation of new technologies in the processing processes of agro-industrial products and their waste or scrap. As well as the processes of creation, application and development of the strategies available for the assurance of quality in the production of food, guaranteeing quality, safety and food safety.


ISSN 2477-9288
Depósito Legal: ppi201502LA4675

Idiomas de publicación: Español.
Año de inicio: 2017
Frecuencia de publicación: anual
Lugar de edición: Barquisimeto, Venezuela.
Entidad editora: Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado.
Director: Dr. Hugo Bianco Dugarte
Palabras clave de la revista: 




  • Enfoque y alcance
  • Política de secciones
  • Proceso de revisión por pares
  • Política de acceso abierto
  • Código de ética, declaración sobre negligencia y política de detección de plagio