About the Journal
Current Issue
Revista de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales
Arbitrada e Indizada
ISSN: 2542-3177 Depósito Legal: LA2016000117
Año de Inicio: 2016
Periodicidad: Semestral (2 fascículos al año)
Sistema de Publicación Continuo (fecha de cierre de los fascículos: Nº 1, 31 de enero; Nº 2, 31 de julio)
Institución Editora: Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado”
País: Venezuela
Sistema de Evaluación: Revisión por Pares (Doble Ciego)
Dissertare is an arbitrated and indexed digital scientific journal, with free and open access. It has immediate availability and its publication is biannual. It is attached to the Research Unit in Social Sciences of the Deanship of Science and Technology of the Centroccidental University "Lisandro Alvarado". Its purpose is to disseminate research results or advances, in addition to projects, cases or experiences of scientific interest in the social, humanistic and technological order through the publication of previously arbitrated, original and unpublished writings such as scientific articles, essays or reviews for contributing to the development and promotion of scientific knowledge.