El Babel's vertigo and normalizing education



order, power, socialization, normalizing education


Being in society implies the construction of spaces and normalizing mechanisms and homogenization of the particular, in terms of the common interest interposed intrinsically in the very act of socialization. The order is erected as the central category of this analytical-interpretative essay, from which it is intended to generate reflection on the role of education as a mechanism of containment of the forces that challenge the social order. For this purpose, Foucault's theory of power (1976) is adopted as a fundamental reference around the capital role of the educational act within the framework of power interdictions and regulations. Education is enthroned as a mechanism that models and produces socially acceptable individuals, according to the scheme of a specific order, which is expressed at all times of the social life of the individual in the suppression of any disturbing element of order. The principle of schooling in which education has derived in contemporaneity has its roots in the paideia Platonic excellent model that assigns to education the responsibility of regulating the first years of life of man, in favor of certain parameters of social order and to the detriment of the vertigo implicit in the chaos.


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Author Biography

Néstor Rojas-López, Lcdo., Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela

Licenciado en Historia, maestrante de la Maestría en Historia de Venezuela  de la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA, Venezuela) y participante del programa de generación de relevo PLAN-II por el área de Geografía Histórica en la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación (ULA). Investigador Nivel A (2015) del Programa de Promoción al Investigador (CDCHTA-ULA).


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How to Cite

Rojas-López, N. (2018). El Babel’s vertigo and normalizing education. Dissertare, 3(1), 123-134. Retrieved from https://revistas.uclave.org/index.php/dissertare/article/view/1979