The the formation of work teams: a strategic step to fly higher and further




teams, high performance teams, groups, synergy, teamwork


The great structural and technological changes that have occurred in organizations in recent decades –regardless of the sector to which these organizations belong– have generated a great impact on the way of working and solving problems, which is part of the challenges of human management in the 21st century, especially with regard to teamwork. This essay seeks to highlight various relevant aspects of work teams in the digital age and in the complex post-pandemic stage. Among these aspects are: the distinctive characteristics of work teams; the similarities and differences between work groups and teams; the competencies that distinguish the members of the latter, as well as their advantages and usefulness. The qualitative methodological approach was used with a documentary design and an extensive bibliographic review, supported by critical analysis. It was concluded that contemporary organizations need today, more than ever, the development of transversal skills in their collaborators, in order to favor their integration into teamwork, for the resolution of problems and challenges that cannot be solved through individual effort due to their complexity. In addition, the importance of emotional connection is highlighted, in order to establish an interdependence that generates high-performance teams, which is also applicable to virtual environments.


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Author Biography

Dr. Franco Lotito C., Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile

Doctor en Ciencias Humanas (Universidad Austral de Chile). Magíster en Administración de Empresas, MBA (Universidad Austral de Chile). Psicólogo (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). Diplomado en Psicooncología (Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Austral de Chile). Diplomado focalizado en Idioma Alemán como Lengua Extranjera y Análisis Crítico del Discurso (Universidad de Friburgo, Alemania). Docente del Programa de MBA de la Universidad Austral de Chile en las sedes de Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt y Coyhaique. Profesor de alemán y literatura alemana (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). Asesor de Empresas.


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How to Cite

Lotito C., F. (2022). The the formation of work teams: a strategic step to fly higher and further. Dissertare, 7(1), 1-22.