The philosophy of mathematics and its mathematical objects


  • Andrés Alexander Sánchez Rosal Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. IPRGR


mathematical objects, platonism, structuralism, intuitionism


This article intends to expose the different points of view on the nature of mathematical objects as entities in the ontological and as theories developed in the philosophy of mathematics from the point of view of Platonism arising in its source idea and in counterpart of the anti -platonism as an alternate theory that refutes it. The ontological confrontation of mathematics focused between Platonism and structuralism, the two main currents of the philosophy of mathematics that are debated about the presence and nature of mathematical objects, is addressed


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Author Biography

Andrés Alexander Sánchez Rosal, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. IPRGR

Andrés Alexander Sánchez Rosal

Experto en Procesos E-learning

Universidad  Virtual FATLA

Quito. Ecuador

Magíster en Informática Educativa

Universidad Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín

Maracaibo. Edo. Zulia


Doctor en Educación

Universidad  Pedagógica Experimental Libertador IPRGR

Rubio. Edo Táchira



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How to Cite

Sánchez Rosal, A. A. (2020). The philosophy of mathematics and its mathematical objects. Red De Investigación Educativa, 13(1), 43 - 55. Retrieved from