Phenomenological vision of pedagogical research and mediation in the context of Primary Education


  • Rosa Edicta Bonilla Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia. Estado Carabobo. Venezuela



Research, pedagogical mediation, phenomenology


The scientific aim of the topic to be presented is to make an outline of the doctoral experience in the theoretical generation of a phenomenological vision of research and pedagogical mediation in the context of primary education, in which teachers from the Brígida Basic School participated. Hurtado de Mendiri, with whom, an in-depth interview was conducted. From the contributions of their experiences, the vision of the state of reality of what research and pedagogical mediation at this level is going through was built. The need to promote research is highlighted as a means to solve the different problems that disturb learning and to ensure that teachers change their traditional practices to an active, efficient and effective mediational praxis supported by the tools of creativity and technology. The reality contemplated was made under Husserl's Phenomenological approach with the support of Hermeneutics as a technique. For pedagogical mediation, it was based on the theoretical conceptions of Vygotsky and Feuerstein Using categorization and triangulation as an analysis technique until reaching theorization. The findings found arise from the synthesis and analysis of established and emerging categories, which are expressed in the need of a change in attitude and training of the teacher in these processes, supported by the technological advances of society in a globalized world.


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Author Biography

Rosa Edicta Bonilla, Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia. Estado Carabobo. Venezuela

Dra. Rosa Edicta Bonilla. 

Docente de la Universidad de Carabobo.

Departamento de Ciencias Pedagógicas.

Cátedra de Praxis Profesional.

Universidad de Carabobo

Valencia. Estado Carabobo Venezuela


Orcid: 0000-0002-3686-659X


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How to Cite

Bonilla, R. E. (2024). Phenomenological vision of pedagogical research and mediation in the context of Primary Education. Red De Investigación Educativa, 16(2), 21-29.