About the Journal

REVISTA VENEZOLANA DE SALUD PÚBLICA is an arbitrated and indexed scientific journal of the Deanship of Health Sciences of the Centroccidental University Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. Publish, disseminate and promote research articles in the field of public health in Spanish and English. Its periodicity is semiannual.

Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): Julio-diciembre 2021.

Portada: Composición policromática. Luis Traviezo

Published: 2021-11-10

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REVISTA VENEZOLANA DE SALUD PUBLICA is an arbitrated and indexed journal, edited in the Deanship of Cs. of Health, from the Lisandro Alvarado University, every six months. Among its objectives are publication, dissemination and promotion of research articles and their authors, as well as relevant information to understand the phenomena of the disease and the health of the communities in a scientifically rigorous manner. Its purpose is to create a scenario for the development of a thought in the field of public health based on the democratization of knowledge, to revalue the link between the practice of scientific research and the attention and resolution of socially relevant problems. Periodic publications, descriptive and analytical epidemiological studies, bibliographic reviews, historical articles, essays, systematization of experiences, Public Health images and letters to the Editor. Works related to public health are published, especially with public health care, health and disease networks in the population, topics such as infectious, parasitic, chronic and any cataloged pathologies of public health problems. He is also interested in aspects such as promotion and education for health, equity, social determinants for health and other social medicine issues. Its scope and projection is aimed at professionals and students of Health Sciences and Public in these issues, through a practical, simple and attractive approach.

 ISSN: 2343-5534

 ISSN-L: 2343-5526