
  • Jesús M Guerrero, Dr.


sense of coherence, healthy lifestyles, students


Introduction: the sense of coherence has turned out to be a resource that helps to face stressful events produced by the risk and/or disease. Empirical evidence has shown that a high sense of coherence is related to the implementation of healthier habits in diverse populations. Studies on the relationship between the sense of coherence and healthy lifestyles are scarcely explored in the university population. Objective: to determine the relationship between the sense of coherence and healthy lifestyles in university students. Methodology: descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional study. 861 regular students of a public university of the city of Barquisimeto, Venezuela, selected through a non-probabilistic sampling of intentional type. To assess the sense of coherence and healthy lifestyles, two validated scales were applied in the Venezuelan population, after compliance with the ethical principles established for this type of study. Results: the sense of coherence is related in a positive and significant way to the global lifestyle (r= 0.478, p <0.001) and in the feeding dimensions (r=0.201; p> 0.001), physical activity (r= 0.293, p>0.001), preventive behaviors (r=0.420, p> 0.001), sleep (r= 0.426, p>0.001), no drug use ((r= 0.252, p> 0.001) and medical check-up (r= 0.205; p> 0.001) In addition, healthy lifestyles vary according to the level of sense of coherence. Conclusion: these results highlight the importance of implementing health promotion and prevention strategies that help increase the sense of coherence in university students.


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Author Biography

Jesús M Guerrero, Dr.

Estudiante del Doctorado en Salud Pública. Magister en Psicología. Licenciado en Psicología. Profesor Asistente. Programa de Psicología.  Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA) Barquisimeto, Venezuela.


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