Modern nursing its impact of humanized care in the main health center.


  • Betzi Esperanza Acosta Materan Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armadas UNEFA


modern nursing, humane care, professional practice


The purpose of the article is to reflect on modern nursing and its impact on humanized care in patients who attend the Central University Hospital “Dr. Antonio Maria Pineda” from the city of Barquisimeto, Lara state. This modern profession and indissolubly associated with the hospital institution, but also in popular clinics, among others, were founded or re-founded with a modern sense and autonomy of profession in the middle of the 19th century. Today, it is a university-level career that is dedicated to the care and care of patients, which is why they train professionals with a critical sense and a level of human and social responsibility. It should be noted that one of the humanistic professions of a social nature is nursing; whose practice must be based on offering humanized care, where not only the sick person is treated, but also the different dimensions of the human being who needs care are addressed, of course these care have changed in different times and they have evolved, that is; They have been adapting to the times, using techniques and procedures in accordance with scientific and technological advances. In conclusion, the care in the nursing professional is built through the actions, the relevance given to it, the opportune attention, the form and attitude that it carries out with the person, so it is necessary for nursing to understand that caring involves and shares the human experience through a transpersonal and respectful relationship. This knowledge allows the nurse to improve the care processes in any health situation that the patient has.


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Author Biography

Betzi Esperanza Acosta Materan, Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armadas UNEFA

Licenciada en Enfermería. Universidad de los Andres (ULA). Magister en Educación Superior UPEL. Estudiante del Doctorado en Educación UPEL/Coordinadora del Programa de Lactancia Materna del Estado Lara.  Docente del Programa de Enfermería de la UNEFA. Docente del Programa de Profesionalización de Enfermería ULA


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How to Cite

Acosta Materan, B. E. (2020). Modern nursing its impact of humanized care in the main health center. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 13(1), 47-50. Retrieved from



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