Phenomenology and hermeneutics a great attraction of nursing research.




phenomenology, hermeneutics, nursing profession, care


The objective of this article is to reflect on the application of the ontological, epistemological and methodological planes of knowledge of qualitative research, and its incursion in a positive way in the world of research in the nursing profession as a humanistic science in universities, philosophical foundations arise from the interrelationship that must exist between the nurse-patient. It is important to highlight that research has undergone a fundamental change throughout its orientation, not only to try to understand traditional research and science; Therefore, a more effective practice could be developed and consolidated, that is, the realities whose nature and structures can be observed at least partially, from the outside, could be the object of study by other methods. All this is done on the different philosophical traditions such as phenomenology and hermeneutics, by exploring the thoughts of Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger; The two philosophical representations propose a viable methodological strategy to be used in qualitative research in the nursing profession, either under the descriptive school of Husserl and the interpretive position of Heidegger. The nurse needs this philosophy to give an interpretive sense to the phenomena of the world of life in order to determine the importance of care in health-disease situations, favoring through the description and interpretation of the phenomena an analysis critical-reflective about ourselves. Phenomenology and hermeneutics require rigor as research methods, so that the findings are as accurate as possible from the perspective of those who experience them, and are useful in approaching the phenomenon under study. These research methods give nursing the opportunity to develop, approach in depth the phenomenon of interest, call it the care of the human being.

Keywords: phenomenology, hermeneutics, nursing profession, care.


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Author Biography

Betzi Esperanza Acosta Materan, Universidad de los Andes, Merida, Venezuela

Licenciada en Enfermería ULA. Magister en Educación Superior UPEL. Dra. en Educación UPEL. Coordinadora de Docente del Programa de Enfermería de la UNEFA. Docente del Programa de Profesionalización de


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How to Cite

Acosta Materan, B. E. (2022). Phenomenology and hermeneutics a great attraction of nursing research. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 15(1), 59-62.



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