Humanization of care: a view from Nursing Theories


  • María del Cisne Díaz Guerrero Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Quito, Ecuador
  • Carmen Amarilis Guerra Sánchez Universidad de Carabobo



humanization of care, nursing professional, nursing theories


At the present time, technology and the lack of material and human resources in health care at a global level make it a real challenge to provide humanized care to patients and to translate nursing theories into daily practice. The purpose of this article is a reflective analysis of the nursing theories that support the humanization of care, as well as the approach to the characteristics of the profession in the different situations of care that denote the reality of nursing, the causes of dehumanization and the strategies to achieve humanized care as the essence of nursing and the fusion of theoretical and practical knowledge with the values and principles of the profession. The analysis was obtained by reviewing the literature on nursing theories and models. The main focus was on the theorists Nightingale, Peplau, Orem, Henderson, Roy, Pender, Dossey, Watson, and Leininger. The qualities and values that characterize the nursing professional are not being observed and rather, nursing care is counterproductive due to the performance of biomedical activities established in health institutions with medical hegemony, compliance with prescriptions, protocols and technologized procedures that do not allow professional autonomy. The identification of these difficulties faced by this professional, which would be preventing him from providing humanized care to people, has generated reflections and attempts to solve these conflicts by implementing strategies to deal with them


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Author Biographies

María del Cisne Díaz Guerrero , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Quito, Ecuador

Licenciada en Enfermería, Magister en Enfermería Facultad de Enfermería, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Quito, Ecuador

Carmen Amarilis Guerra Sánchez , Universidad de Carabobo

Licenciada en Enfermería, Doctora en Enfermería, Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela. 


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How to Cite

Díaz Guerrero , M. del C., & Guerra Sánchez , C. A. (2024). Humanization of care: a view from Nursing Theories. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 17(2), 115-118.



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