Reflections on human communication in the promotion of health


  • Mariela Querales Meléndez, MSc. Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado" Venezuela


Health communication, health promotion, trends of health promotion.


Communication in health encompasses the study and use of communication strategies to inform and influence individual and community decisions that improve health. The fundamental purpose of the present work is oriented to analyze critically and reflexively the importance of human communication in the promotion of health, the development of the field of communication in health, the trends of health promotion, as well as, the application of the elements of communicational intervention before an attitude or behavior to be modified, in front of a health problem. The research modality is theoretical and the type of research in which the present study was based is documentary, by the search of printed and electronic sources through an organized and coherent strategy of search and analysis of the information which facilitated the realization of a critical synthesis based on the publications about communication in health and health promotion. It is concluded that communication in health is a social, educational process within the National Health System and constitutes a fundamental tool for community actions in favor of health both in health promotion and disease prevention, as well as in the healing and rehabilitation


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Author Biography

Mariela Querales Meléndez, MSc., Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado" Venezuela

Associate Professor of the Nursing Program. MSc in Public Health. PhD in Public Health from the Dean of Health Sciences. Centroccidental University Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Querales Meléndez, M. (2017). Reflections on human communication in the promotion of health. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 10(1), 59-65. Retrieved from



Articulos de Reflexiones