
  • July - December
    Vol. 15 No. 31 (2022)

    Cover: The following issue was made in commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the creation of the Lisandro Alvarado Centroccidental University (UCLA).

  • January - Jun
    Vol. 14 No. 30 (2022)

    Cover: Dedicated to the international year of Basic Sciences in the sustainable development of humanity proclaimed by UNESCO. Graphic design done by MSc. Lenny Mendoza of the Dean of Economic and Business Sciences.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    July - December
    Vol. 14 No. 29 (2021)

    Cover: The cover of this issue is dedicated to the International Year of Peace and Trust, because through the United Nations General Assembly the year 2021 was proclaimed as the International Year of Peace and Trust, in order to stimulate promoting a culture of peace and trust among nations. Designed by MSc. Lenny Mendoza. Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela. Email:

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    Janury - Jun
    Vol. 13 No. 28 (2021)

    Cover: it is illustrated based on what was agreed by the United Nations who has decided to declare 2021 as the International Year of the Creative Economy for Sustainable Development. Also called the Orange Economy.

    Designed by: MSc. Lenny Mendoza.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    Vol. 13 No. 27 (2020)

    Cover: it is related to the topic of teleworking as an instrument of the emerging economy.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    January - June
    Vol. 12 No. 26 (2020)

    Cover: this edition could not go unnoticed the pandemic that affects all of humanity, illustrating in its images the vulnerability of an entire planet to the loss of health due to the existence of COVID-19. Design by MSc. Lenny Mendoza ( from the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela. In the same way, our editorial dedicates its lines to this fact that is and will be an isthmus in history.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    July - December
    Vol. 12 No. 25 (2019)

    Cover: The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the 2019 International Year of Moderation, in an effort to resonate the voices of moderation by promoting dialogue, tolerance, understanding and cooperation. Therefore, the cover recreates the image of Aristotle who in his writing on the virtues of the human being to achieve happiness has balance and moderation as a common denominator.

  • eorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    January - June
    Vol. 11 No. 24 (2019)

    Cover: The General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the International Year of Indigenous Languages ​​with the objective of sensitizing the world about the risks faced by some indigenous languages ​​and their value as vehicles of culture, knowledge systems and modes of lifetime. The image fuses in the background murals of the Wayúu clans, a Colombian-Venezuelan ethnic group (Photo Rjcastillo / Commons Wikimedia, April 2013) and the logo selected by UNESCO to represent the commemoration.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    Vol. 11 No. 23 (2018)

    The scientific journal "THEORIES, APPROACHES AND APPLICATIONS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES" TEACs up to its first ten years serving as a channel for dissemination of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research in Social Sciences that are generated both in the academic university space and in the rest of the social spaces. For this reason, she dedicates her editorial to the founder of said media, Dr. Zahirá Moreno Freites.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    January- June
    Vol. 10 No. 22 (2018)

    Cover: UNESCO and the UN commemorate in 2018 the right to freedom of expression, the right to participate in scientific progress and the benefits that result, this promotes cooperation among nations in all branches of intellectual activity , as well as the exchange of publications, works of art and laboratory material and any useful documentation in this regard. World Day of Book and Copyright (April) is part of this celebration. Therefore, the photograph by Lauren Ortega and Pedro García (@lenaorsph) dedicated to the bearer of knowledge is presented: the book.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    July - December
    Vol. 10 No. 21 (2017)

    Cover: The year 2017 has been declared by the United Nations as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. The International Year aims to sensitize decision-makers and the general public to the contribution of sustainable tourism to development, while mobilizing all stakeholders to work together to make tourism a catalyst for positive change. Image: UN Logo of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017.


    Janury - Juny
    Vol. 9 No. 20 (2017)

    Cover: On the occasion of World Oceans Day (June) instituted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on the initiative of Canada, whose objective is to recognize the importance of the oceans for the health of the planet

  • July - December
    Vol. 9 No. 19 (2016)

    Cover: The Tower of Babel is a painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, currently located in the Museum of Art History in Vienna, the Kunsthistorisches, in Vienna, Austria. It is an oil painting on oak with dimensions of 114 centimeters high and 154 wide. It was executed in the year 1563. Image alluding to the second proclamation of UNESCO for 2016 as the international year of global understanding.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    January- June
    Vol. 8 No. 18 (2016)

    Cover: Rodolfo II as Vertumno, by Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Painting in Skokloster Castle, next to Lake Mälar (Sweden). Image alluding to the international year of pulses 2016, decreed by UNESCO with the objective of raising public awareness of the nutritional advantages of sustainable pulses aimed at achieving food safety and nutrition.

    This publication has been financed by the International Network "Organizational Studies in Latin America, the Caribbean and Ibero-America" ​​REOALCeI

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    July - December
    Vol. 8 No. 17 (2015)

    Cover: Image alluding to the international year of the Soils. Decreed by the United Nations for the first semester of 2015. Work by Alejandro Ciccarelli. The valley of Santiago seen from Peñalolén, 1853. Oil on canvas, 85 x 125 cm. Considered the father of the landscaping of Chile. Pinacoteca Banco Santander Collection.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    January- June
    Vol. 7 No. 16 (2015)

    Cover: Image alluding to the international year of the Soils. Decreed by the United Nations for the first semester of 2015. Work by Alejandro Ciccarelli. The valley of Santiago seen from Peñalolén, 1853. Oil on canvas, 85 x 125 cm. Considered the father of the landscaping of Chile. Pinacoteca Banco Santander Collection.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    July - December
    Vol. 7 No. 15 (2014)

    With the purpose of strengthening the research culture and scientific production of high quality and social relevance, we continue with our work of disseminating scientific knowledge through the publication of this journal, thus stimulating the growth of the number of researchers in the area of social Sciences.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    January- June
    Vol. 6 No. 14 (2014)

    Dissemination of the papers presented at the 9th Research Seminar and 3rd International Conference on Research of the Deanship of Administration, Accounting and Economics of the Centroccidental University Lisandro Alvarado, being the main axis on which the call to this event was made the "Speech and Practice in the Social Sciences: An integrating vision from public and private organizations ". Academic space that allowed to debate and share results and advances that Social Sciences have been developing academic and research groups in the light of other sciences different from social sciences.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    July - December
    Vol. 6 No. 13 (2013)

    In this edition we continue to publish articles that reveal a notorious thematic and methodological wealth, typical of research in the field of administrative science and the social system that encompasses it. Also as in previous editions, we disseminate a multiplicity of experiences that have taken place at the national and international level, thus contributing to dialogue and learning among academics and scholars of public, private and social organizations

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    January- June (Special Edition)
    Vol. 5 No. 12 (2013)

    Dear readers, in this special edition of the magazine the group of editors had the intention of dedicating a special chapter to education, motivated at the moment that the university is living in these political, economic and moral scenarios of our society.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    January- June
    Vol. 5 No. 11 (2013)

    In this installment in TEACs aware of the mission of our magazine we have achieved the inclusion in the database of the Central Bank of Venezuela. The invitation is to the entire scientific community, academics and especially those who manage in the field of economics, to have a frame of reference that allows them to locate their studies around a concrete reality.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    July - December
    Vol. 5 No. 10 (2012)

    We ended the year 2012 with the 10th edition of TEACs. Here we present a diversity of topics of interest both for the academic-scientific community and for society in general. Diversity of topics that is channeled through the different sections that make up the structure of this journal, such as essays, research progress and communications of concluded research, thus expressing the plurality and approaches presented by the researchers who have collaborated with this edition.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    January- June
    Vol. 4 No. 9 (2012)

    With this edition, the consolidation of TEACs as a means of national and international scientific dissemination is sought, here we present the works of researchers who seek that their studies and results have greater visibility and impact, beyond their academic space. Within this context, and given that the objective of scientific communication is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, the researcher, in this case the researcher who has selected TEACs as a journal that is visible and accessible to the scientific community, has submitted its article to a rigorous evaluation process, thus conforming the content of the June 2012 edition.

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    July - December
    Vol. 4 No. 8 (2011)

    With great satisfaction we deliver this special edition of TEACs, whose content is grouped according to
    of some research papers presented at the 8th Deanship Research Conferences of
    Administration and Accounting. Academic event that developed around the central idea "University and Interdisciplinary Research in Changing Environments ", driving thinking that
    guided and permanently stimulated the organizing team for the success of this scientific activity,
    undertaken from the Research Coordination of our Deanery and that was carried out during the days
    01.02 and November 03, 2011

  • Teorías, Enfoques y Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales

    July - December
    Vol. 4 No. 7 (2011)

    TEACs enters a new stage with the December 2011 edition. Our magazine is included in several prestigious databases: Class, Latindex, Citchile, Dialnet, Revencyt and in process of evaluation in Redalyc, Scopolu, EBCO and DOAJ, which means recognition as a scientific publication, up-to-date, reliable and with high quality standards, at the same time that it commits us even more to the academic and scientific community of our university and the country.

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