Impact of the quality of services on customer satisfaction in a maintenance company



Quality of service, Customer satisfaction, SERVQUAL


This paper reports the results of a research carried out in a company dedicated to the installation, maintenance and repair of air-conditioning systems in the State of Carabobo, Venezuela. Its objective was to assess the impact of service quality on the satisfaction of its customers by using an instrument based on the SERQUAL model that considers the quality of the service, the ACSI index that evaluates the customer satisfaction and the KANO model that determines what requires the service. We considered 194 customer-rated surveys on a Likert scale. After determination of the sample adequacy, four dimensions were identified through Factor Analysis: Response Capacity, Security, Reliability and Empathy, and General Aspects. Likewise, the relationship between quality of service and customer satisfaction was demonstrated in the studied case.


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How to Cite

Mejías Acosta, A., Godoy Durán, E., & Piña Padilla, R. (2018). Impact of the quality of services on customer satisfaction in a maintenance company. Revista Científica Compendium, 21(40). Retrieved from


