Theory of dynamic capabilities: contributions and evolution from the work of David Teece
dynamic capabilities, organizational leadership, innovation, organizations, resources and capabilitiesAbstract
The objective of this research of a theoretical-descriptive nature is to offer a review of the most outstanding contributions made by David Teece and his collaborators to the development and expansion of the theory of dynamic capabilities during the period 1994-2020. The analysis was based on the main scientific articles that chronologically represent the development, evolution, and consolidation of one of the theories that explain the behavior of organizations in the face of increasingly dynamic and changing environments, namely the theory of dynamic capabilities. It is thus considered evolution and integration of the contingent and resource and capabilities theories. From the review carried out, it can be argued that organizations require strong capabilities to detect, take advantage of and transform knowledge, resources, and internal competencies in order to obtain competitive advantages, but always considering the opportunities, changes, and requirements of the environment. This work also provides the basis for distinguishing and recognizing that dynamic capabilities require leadership and innovation as essential components for their development.
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