Device for the Construction of Knowledge for a Transforming Change towards Human Development



Complexity, Change, Democracy, Development, Leadership


This article proposes a framework for the configuration of a device for the construction of knowledge in and for action from the perspective of a democratic leadership for a transformative change towards human development. The general thesis of this approach is based on the fact that current forms of leadership training are not appropriate to bring about transformative changes in democratic and complex social environments, and are not relevant in the context of trends and digital transformation processes of governance models.


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Author Biography

Jesús Enrique López, Dr., Center for Development Studies, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Venezuelan. Doctor in Development Studies. Magister Scientiarum in Development Planning. Economist. Titular Professor of the Central University of Venezuela. Teacher-Researcher at the Center for Development Studies (CENDES-UCV). Certified as Ontological Business Coach in the The Art of Business Coaching Program, endorsed by the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM). City of residence: Caracas.


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How to Cite

López, J. E. (2019). Device for the Construction of Knowledge for a Transforming Change towards Human Development. Ágora De Heterodoxias, 5(1), 69-83. Retrieved from



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