The challenges of research on documentary information in contemporary world: between armed conflicts and technological advances




challenges of research, documentary information, armed conflicts, technological advances


We are living in an era of constant volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, commonly referred to as VUCA, an acronym in English proposed by Heifetz et al. (2009). This concept has been widely adopted to refer to the economy, politics, and social studies to address the challenges faced by different organizations, whether they are economic, political, or social in nature. Among the recent challenges, we highlight the outbreak of COVID-19, triggering a global pandemic in 2020, whose effects extend until 2024, and two recent wars: the Russia-Ukraine war since February 2022 and the conflict in the Gaza Strip between the Hamas group and Israel since October 2023. On the other hand, it can be pointed out that VUCA is also linked to the exponential advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, which is unprecedentedly impacting politics, economy, culture, education, research, and people's lifestyles.


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Author Biographies

Márcia Amador Mascia, Universidade São Francisco, Campus Itatiba São Paulo

Brazilian. Post-doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in the Curriculum and Instruction department, PhD in Applied Linguistics from Unicamp. She teaches in the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Education (USF-Itatiba). Leader of the Foucauldian Studies and Education Research Group. Text editor of the journal Horizontes-USF. Editor of the book series (Post-)Critical Global Childhood Youth Studies (Peter Lang). She has published in Portuguese, English and Chinese

Frank Gutiérrez Sivira, Universidade São Francisco, Campus Itatiba São Paulo

Venezuelan. PhD in Human Sciences from the University of Zulia (LUZ), Faculty of Humanities and Education. Master's Degree in Education by the University of Carabobo, Professor of Physical Education at the Universidad Pedagógica Libertador (UPEL). Visiting Professor in the Strictu Sensu Postgraduate Program in Education at the Universidade São Francisco, Campus Itatiba São Paulo, sponsored by CAPES. Researcher in the Teacher Training, Teaching Work and Educational Practices research line. He is currently carrying out a research project on teachers' inclusive identities and inclusive education in primary schools. He lives in Itatiba, São Paulo, Brazil


Heifetz, R., et all. Leadership in a (permanent) crisis. Harvard Business Review. July-August, 2009. p. 1-7. Retrieved from:



How to Cite

Amador Mascia, M., & Gutiérrez Sivira, F. (2024). The challenges of research on documentary information in contemporary world: between armed conflicts and technological advances. Ágora De Heterodoxias, 10(2), 12-20.