Sobre a Revista

  Ágora de Heterodoxias

Agora de Heterodoxias is a scientific journal of Social Sciences, interdisciplinary and international, refereed by double-blind system.  Its digital format is published once every semester and it postulates a thoughtful insight by which the person questions what is known, thought and heard.  From other doxa a different road is proposed, or -at least-  one that is different to the known one.
In this informative issue of the Dean of Economic and Business Sciences of the Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado” two different languages are used:  English, Spanish or Portuguese, highlighting multi and transdisciplinarity of content.  Its year-term issues integrate numbers of the same volume.


Editorial Team
External Evaluators  Team
University Authorities



Focus and Scope
Open Access, Periodicity & Sections
Peer review process
Ethics code
Anti-plagiarism policy
Declaration of malpratice



Historical review
About the publication system of the journal
Digital Preservation policy
Interoperability Protocols