Yield of cocoa under different agroforestry systems in a dry tropical forest in western Colombia
Drought stress, Gmelina arborea, Theobromoa cacaoAbstract
The expansion and modernization of the cocoa area under new strategies, such as the use of adapted genetic material and the establishment of Agroforestry Systems with cocoa, under criteria of competitiveness and sustainability, require selecting sites with adequate biophysical conditions, which facilitate the optimization of resources for production. In this sense, we conducted a study in the Estación Agraria Cotové, of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, located in a tropical dry forest life zone (TDF), at 540 meters of elevation, with an average temperature of 27 ºC, average annual precipitation annual of 1,031 mm and relative humidity less than 70 %. The yield components and productive potential of four cocoa clones, ICS 95, TSH565, CCN 51, and ICS 60, were evaluated. The cocoa clones were planted under two controlled sunlight habitats, generated by the timber species Gmelina arborea Roxb. (single-row and double-row arrangement), and two different canopy management of the cocoa plants (plagiotropic and orthotropic growth stimulus). The clones TSH 565 and CCN 51 showed the highest yields in the two harvest years. ICS 95 showed the lowest bean index. Regarding the pod index, no differences were observed between the cocoa clones. Clones TSH 565 and CCN 51 stood out as the earliest and most productive clones.
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