
  • Luis Iriarte, Lcda. Psc. MSc


drug consumption, medicine, psychoanalysis, social link


The present study is a theoretical review that sought to answer the question about what is the relationship between drug use and social bond? To do this, we sought to understand the correspondence between addiction and social ties, for which he tried to respond from two scientific perspectives, one of which is Medicine and the other is Psychoanalysis, in order to elucidate how such addictive practices they are closely related to the social and family environment. In this sense it was found that from the point of view of medical science, the consumption of substance is considered a disease, with its causes and related factors, since psychoanalysis suggests that addiction is closely related to certain personality traits and these determine a specific role of the drug in the life of the one who consumes it, it is said that the person is not addicted but has a toxic relationship with a substance. In both approaches, the environment has an influential place in the individual, from the first perspective an unstable environment, fragile and with few economic resources can lead a subject to consume drugs and from the psychoanalytic view the social and family ties provide the child certain identifications to be represented, in terms of treatment from a medical perspective will work with the patient trying to restore the balance lost with the addiction and the other approach, the patient's speech allows the identifications may have caused a dependence on the substance.


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Author Biography

Luis Iriarte, Lcda. Psc. MSc

Psicólogo, Universidad Rafael Urdaneta. Magister en Psicoanálisis, Universidad Doctorando en Psicología Universidad Rennes (Francia).


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How to Cite

Iriarte, L. (2018). TWO PERSPECTIVES ON DRUG USE AND THE SOCIAL LINK. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 11(1), 69-74. Retrieved from



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