Orthostatic hypotension in public health hospital medicine students
orthostatic hypotension, dysautonomia, medical studentsAbstract
Orthostatic hypotension is conceived as a decrease in systolic blood pressure (SBP) by 20 mmHg or in diastolic blood pressure (DBP) by 10 mmHg during standing. It is part of a set of entities called dysautonomies, which are characterized by a variable deficiency of the autonomic nervous system. The present research aimed to determine the characteristics of orthostatic hypotension (HO) in medical students at a Public Health Hospital, located in the Iribarren Municipality, Lara state. This study is framed in the quantitative approach, supported by an exploratory field research, of a descriptive nature, of a non-experimental, transectional design. The study population consisted of 46 medical students, 34 female and 12 male, whose ages range between 22 and 28 years, to whom a structured survey was applied in order to collect information related to their demographic data and functional history. . Then their blood pressure was censored in sitting and standing. The data interpretation was carried out with descriptive statistics and was expressed in frequencies and percentages, representing the results in graphs. Among the findings, it was obtained that 41% of the sample presented symptoms of orthostatic intolerance. In addition, on physical examination, 14% presented HO, of which both the initial and the classic had the same percentages (50%) represented in 83% by women
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