Care performance of the nursing personnel in the surgery unit of the central Hospital



care performance, surgery unit, nursing


In this research, it is proposed to determine the care performance of the nursing staff in the Surgery Unit of the Central University Hospital. This study is part of a descriptive-cross-sectional field research; The show was made up of 12 nursing professionals, who work in the Surgery Unit of the Hospital Central Universitario Dr. "Antonio María Pineda", to whom prior informed consent was applied, a questionnaire consisting of four (4) parts according to four dimensions under study, these being; Sociodemographic data presented with 6 items, level of knowledge with 8 items, abilities and skills with 13 items and assistance actions with 9 items, to be answered according to the Lickert scale with the categories of: very frequent, frequent, occasionally, rarely and never . The results obtained were analyzed and it was concluded that: 67% of the nursing professionals are Higher University Technicians, while 33% of the nursing professionals are Graduates. 30% of the nursing staff provide cognitive, psychological and physical preparation to the user during the preoperative period. 68% show that they do not have the appropriate skills to assume the area of ​​general surgery for the development of the intraoperative. 27% successfully complete the tasks pertaining to the postoperative period.

Keywords: care performance, surgery unit, nursing


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How to Cite

Care performance of the nursing personnel in the surgery unit of the central Hospital . (2023). Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 16(1), 23-28.



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