Book Review: ''Humanized care: a challenge




nursing, humanized care, nurse, empathy, patient


The purpose of this bibliographical review is to reflect on the contributions made by the author, on humanized care, a challenge for the nursing professional. Care is the essence of nursing, which is constituted by transpersonal actions aimed at protecting, improving and preserving the humanity of the subjects of care, this is how care acquires a deep dimension that goes beyond an application of techniques , to plan an attention or to receive an appointment; it is being there with the other, it is sharing their feelings, emotions; It is to accompany, support and maintain an affective and effective communication with the people who are related in their professional practice. In conclusion, the nurse must return to that humane care described by the author, it is to be there for and by the patient, it is to put into practice an active listening, a nurse-patient relationship, which can apply a humanized attention in their care. The following article is structured in three parts: summary, development and bibliographical references.


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Author Biography

Lucy Yaneth Rodríguez Carrasco, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Barquisimeto, Venezuela

Enfermera. Profesora Ordinaria del Programa de Enfermería. Decanato de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado


Guía Normas APA 7ª ed. [Internet]. [Consulta el 20 de jun. 2022.]; Disponible desde:

Prías, H. (2017). Cuidado Humanizado: Un Desafío para el Profesional de Enfermería. [Internet]. [Consulta el 14 de jul. 2022.]; Revisalud pp. 26-30 Disponible desde:

Normas Vancouver: cómo usarlas para citar referencias (2022) [Internet]. [Consulta el 12 de oct. 2022]; Disponible: https://referenciasbiblio



How to Cite

Rodríguez Carrasco, L. Y. (2023). Book Review: ’’Humanized care: a challenge . Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 16(1), 55-58.



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