The Scientific Writing: an enigma for the Young researcher in the Health sector


  • Isaac Yaimet Ramos 1- General Directorate of Health in Songo-La Maya. Santiago de Cuba Province. Cuba
  • Yordanis Arias Barthelemi General Directorate of Health in Songo-La Maya
  • Tania Mengana Rodríguez Roberto Infante Pascual Hospital. Nursing department
  • Sulanis Duharte Romero Porfirio Valente Bravo; Teaching Polyclinic. Medical



scientific writing, vancouver standards, apa standards,, research, science


As a result of several workshops with graduates of medical and social sciences in the province of Santiago de Cuba on scientific writing, it has been confirmed that they have difficulty with this professional skill, and this is the reason why they do not publish their theses undergraduate; therefore, this work aims to guide young researchers on the scientific writing of an article. They are given principles in the preparation of this report and are encouraged to master the different styles of scientific writing.


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Author Biographies

Isaac Yaimet Ramos, 1- General Directorate of Health in Songo-La Maya. Santiago de Cuba Province. Cuba

Dra. en Medicina. Especialista en medicina comunitaria. Profesora asistente.
Dirección general de salud en Songo-La Maya. Código postal 94500. Provincia
Santiago de Cuba. Cuba

Yordanis Arias Barthelemi, General Directorate of Health in Songo-La Maya

Máster en Intervención psicosocial. Psicólogo de la salud y profesor Asistente Dirección general de salud en Songo-La Maya. Código postal 94500. Provincia. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba. Policlínico Docente Porfirio Valiente Bravo. Alto Songo. Municipio Songo-La Maya. Código postal 94180. Santiago de Cuba. Cubace.

Tania Mengana Rodríguez , Roberto Infante Pascual Hospital. Nursing department

Licenciada en enfermería. Máster en urgencias médicas. Profesora Instructora
Hospital Roberto Infante Pascual. Departamento de enfermería. Avenida José
Martí s/n. Alto Songo. Municipio Songo-La Maya. Código postal 94180.
Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.

Sulanis Duharte Romero , Porfirio Valente Bravo; Teaching Polyclinic. Medical

Dra. en Medicina. Especialista en medicina comunitaria. Profesora Instructora Policlínico Docente porfirio Valiente. Alto Songo. Municipio Songo-La Maya. Código postal 94180. Santiago de Cuba. Cubaba


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How to Cite

Yaimet Ramos, I., Arias Barthelemi, Y., Mengana Rodríguez , T., & Duharte Romero , S. (2024). The Scientific Writing: an enigma for the Young researcher in the Health sector. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 17(2), 11-114.



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