Self-efficacy and perception of social support in the therapeutic adherence of oncological patients


  • Ricardo Mendoza Rodriguez Yacambú University
  • Gabriel Barreto Guerrero Yacambú University


self-efficacy, social support, therapeutic adherence, cancer, health psychology


The objective of this research was to establish the relation between the variables self - efficacy and perception of social support with the therapeutic adherence of oncological patients in treatment of the Anticancer Society of the State of Lara, framed in the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative, field and a transectional design; with a sample of 40 patients, who with prior informed consent were given two instruments: Bäbler and Schwarzer's (1993) General Self-Efficacy Scale; Social Support MOS Questionnaire by Sherbourne and Cols (1991) and the Questionnaire for the evaluation of MBG Therapeutic Adherence from Martín, Bayarre and Grau (2008). The results were: Self-efficacy 33.55 points, which indicate high self-efficacy, Social Support Perception 84.30 points indicating a high perception of social support and Therapeutic Adherence 38.55 points which suggests a total adherence. When relating Self-efficacy with Adherence no significant relationship was obtained; when doing so with Social Support Perception and Adherence, a weak positive relationship was found between two dimensions, Affective Support and Treatment Compliance r = 416. We conclude that there is no significant relationship between variables.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Mendoza Rodriguez, Yacambú University

Graduate in Psychology. Yacambú University Diploma in Health Psychology (UCLA). Anticancer Society of the Lara State. Barquisimeto. Lara Venezuela.

Gabriel Barreto Guerrero, Yacambú University

Graduate in Psychology. Yacambú University Master in Clinical Psychology (URU). Professor in Psychology (UNY)

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How to Cite

Mendoza Rodriguez, R., & Barreto Guerrero, G. (2017). Self-efficacy and perception of social support in the therapeutic adherence of oncological patients. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 10(1), 17-26. Retrieved from



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