Rafael Villavicencio and the Professorship of the Universal History

on the Occasion of the Centenary of the Death of Rafael Villavicencio


  • Yolanda Aris Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto


Considering that on August 28, 2020, a hundred years have passed since Rafael Villavicencio´s death, it is necessary to highlight the important work done by this Venezuelan intellectual man, in different areas of knowledge, such as medicine, education, journalism, and from the high public office. He is recognized academically, for being one of the main promoters and diffusers of the ideas of the positivist philosophical current in the country. From different spaces, but mainly from the professorship of the Universal History, he directed at the Central University of Venezuela since 1866. It is noteworthy, the valuable changes that this emerging paradigm entailed in the different branches of knowledge, and in the progressive ontological transformation for that moment.


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Fernández, R. (1989). Escritos del Doctor Rafael Villavicencio. Volumen I, II y III. Serie Obras Completas. Venezuela: Academia Nacional de la Historia.

Poleo, L. (1986a). Rafael Villavicencio. Perfiles de su vida y pensamiento (1838-1920). Venezuela: Ciclo Diversificado Rafael Villavicencio (Barquisimeto).

Poleo, L. (1986b). Rafael Villavicencio. Del Positivismo al Espiritualismo. Estudios, Monografías y Ensayos No. 72. Venezuela: Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia.

Ruiz, G. (1998). Primer Congreso Pedagógico Venezolano. 1895. Venezuela.

Sosa, A. (1985). Ensayos sobre El Pensamiento Político Positivista Venezolano. Venezuela: Ediciones Centauro.

Zea, L. (1980). Pensamiento Positivista Latinoamericano. Tomo I y II. Venezuela: Biblioteca Ayacucho.



How to Cite

Aris, Y. (2020). Rafael Villavicencio and the Professorship of the Universal History: on the Occasion of the Centenary of the Death of Rafael Villavicencio. Revista Científica Compendium, 22(42). Retrieved from https://revistas.uclave.org/index.php/Compendium/article/view/2556


