Management governance of creativity in innovative organizations


  • Edgar Gómez Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela


Management, Governance, Creativity, Innovative Organizations


The purpose of this document is to reference the need for organizations today to creatively manage their processes, and that they allow innovation and productivity in companies. Then, we consider the practice of management for change, considering highly competitive environments, with deep and rapid changes, should assume responsibility for managers and / or directors, from that context, emerge a change in everyday life, in beliefs, customs and organizational values, modifying the behavior of human talent and making them highly committed and work teams will be more fruitful, the effectiveness and potential of these performance depends largely on the effective management exercised by the manager. Therefore, the skills of the manager are issued in creative thinking; which seeks uncompromising refinement, conflict resolution, decision making, take advantage of the opportunities that can improve the future of the organization, and never forget the institutional motivation, it is really important that most creative people draw the creativity from the involvement of its human capital, innovation for a creative and empowering of anthropocentric management and efficient management actions.


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How to Cite

Gómez, E. (2016). Management governance of creativity in innovative organizations. Agroindustria, Sociedad Y Ambiente, 2(5), 65 - 83. Retrieved from