Racism, Hispanophobia and changing values in America. America. Iberoamerican survey of values 1993 and 2019

by Tomás Calvo Buezas



racism, hispanophobia, changing values, Americas


The work opens with a broad portico, entitled 500 years later: loves and dislikes between brothers, pointing out that the visceral anti-colonialism with and disaffection between brothers, pointing out that the visceral anticolonialism with the collapse of statues of colonizers. The structure of the book is as follows: At Part I, presents the results by country of the different topics covered, as well as the facts and characters the most important facts and personalities of their country, racism and prejudice towards the different and prejudice against those who are different, negative and positive images of the colonization of the colonization of America, trust in institutions, the most important problems, values and counter-values, and the values and counter-values of machismo, sexism, sexual morality, religiosity and level of happiness, religiosity and level of happiness. The following parts present the variations of gender, age, level of variations in gender, age, level of education, religiosity and political options, the comparative comparison from the 1993 survey to 2019, analyzing the profound changes.


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Author Biography

Jorge Uroz Olivares, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas

Professor Jorge Uroz Olivares holds a PhD in Political Science and Sociology, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Sociology, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. He studied Sociology at this this institution where he graduated in 1990. In 1993 he began his began teaching at the University School of Social Work of the Comillas Pontifical Comillas Pontifical University. Currently, she teaches classes in Social Policy, Specialized Social Services, and Social Work with Minors.


Calvo Buezas, T. (2023). Racismo, hispanofobia y cambios de valores en América Encuesta iberoamericana de valores 1993 y 2019. Editorial Editamás.



How to Cite

Uroz Olivares, J. (2024). Racism, Hispanophobia and changing values in America. America. Iberoamerican survey of values 1993 and 2019 : by Tomás Calvo Buezas. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 12(2), 71-74. Retrieved from https://revistas.uclave.org/index.php/mayeutica/article/view/5042