The artwork in the age of environmental collapse: frictions, paradoxes and bifurcations




Biotech and Environmental Art, Techné, Composting with care, Epistemic diversity, frictions, bifurcation


This paper examines some paradoxes present in environmentally engaged art practices, language, and storytelling, exploring possible bifurcations capable
of challenging current hegemonic worldviews. Using the concept of composting­with­care, we critique the anthropocentrism inherent in narratives incorporated into art discourses such as sustainability and, by examining transdisciplinary intersections between the body and techne in art, offer alternatives. With a focus in bio­techno and environmental art, the paper interrogates whether art can move beyond aura and denunciation and suggests that to enable alternative visions of the Anthropocene and inspire systemic change, art needs to incorporate ethics and more­than­human perspectives into its practice by engaging with local communities and fostering a sense of care, responsibility, and reciprocity. Going beyond aesthetic gestures of environmentalism, artistic praxis must foster an intersectional relationality that cares for epistemological diversity; for example, an artistic praxis model with a long history in the trans­local artistic networks of Latin America. Contrary to “sustainability”, this model seeks a plethora of bifurcations to bring about a pluralistic paradigm change. By situating artworks as points of intersection between actors in a mesh, artistic praxis may be understood as negentropic in its generation of multi­scalar diversity and co­becomings and thus curative of the trappings of algorithmic governance. We argue for an art that cares for relations between different actors: human and more­than­human, that cares for difference and that generates the frictions needed to effect change. An art that cares and also understands the importance of letting things be without human intervention.


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Author Biographies

Jye O’ Sullivan, School of Visual Culture National College of Art and Design

Jye O'Sullivan, Ph.D., School of Creative Arts. Art historian and researcher of visual cultures. His career has focused on the intersections between artistic practice and cybernetics, with a focus on the artistic uses of cybernetics in the Latin American context. Latin American context. She researches on contemporary Latin American art, posthumanism, queer ecology, ecological ethics and philosophy of technology.

Ester Toribio­-Roura, Technological University of Dublin

Ester Toribio-Roura holds a PhD in Philosophy (Media and Communications, Dublin City University); researcher, graphic artist and workshop facilitator. Interested in creative and innovative methodologies and approaches to research and production, and knowledge dissemination; particularly arts-based participatory research, carnal philosophy, speculative fabulation and human and more-than-human relationships. Founding member of the European Culture and Technology Laboratory of the EUT.


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How to Cite

O’ Sullivan, J., & Toribio-­RouraE. (2025). The artwork in the age of environmental collapse: frictions, paradoxes and bifurcations. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 13(1), 7-25.