Three songs to read Federico Garcia Lorca




Federico Garcia Lorca, poetry, music, childhood, composition


Federico Garcia Lorca was a Spanish poet and playwright linked to the so­called Generation of 27, who was assassinated at the beginning of the Civil War in 1936, at a very young age. Even so, his work was prolific and widely acknowledged as one of the most important poets of the Spanish language. In this article we approach his children's poetry through its graceful charm and the sonority implicit in it, as well as three poems to which I wrote music.


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Author Biography

Sergio Rafael Figallo Calzadilla

Graduated from the Escuela Experimental de Pedagogía Musical. Bachelor of Arts, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Master in Art Therapy and Human Development, Instituto de Sociología y Psicología Aplicada. Master in Technology and Educational Design and Doctorate in Educational Sciences, Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez.


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How to Cite

Figallo Calzadilla, S. R. (2025). Three songs to read Federico Garcia Lorca. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 13(1), 115-136.