Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): Mayéutica revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes

Alirio Díaz, foto Rafael Gullén , de la serie Conocidos desconocidos

This is number 2 of volume 9 (2021) of MAYÉUTICA REVISTA CIENTÍFICA DE HUMANIDADES Y ARTES. Is a biannual scientific publication of open access, refereed, indexed, in the area of ​​humanities, arts and social sciences, without charges for its collaborators or authors. Edited by the Experimental Dean of Humanities and Arts of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. This Deanery groups together the Visual Arts, Music, Psychology and Human Development programs. The magazine publishes works on the social and / or human sciences (including the arts and literature) in Spanish and English. Contact: mayeutica@ucla.edu.ve, ISSN 2343-6158, e-ISSN 2477-9261.

Published: 2021-06-30