Sections Policies

Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes, has an anti-plagiarism policy aimed at guaranteeing that its published works are unpublished and original by those who identify themselves as their authors. We use antiplagiarism platforms with free access on the Web such as; to control irregularities and plagiarized material. With them, coincidences and similarities of content are detected between the texts submitted for evaluation and those that have been previously published on other websites, repositories, blogs or any source.
Manuscripts are submitted to these anti-plagiarism programs in the first place at the hands of the Editorial Committee when it receives the material, verifies compliance with the journal's standards (originality of the document and its authenticity to detect plagiarism; and secondly when the referees When evaluating the works, their content is compared with published texts.

If partially or totally plagiarized material is detected, the journal editor will notify the author (s) of the situation by e-mail, which establishes that the manuscript has been rejected.

Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes  is distributed free of charge, without charge for the authors and has no restrictions of any kind for the access of its publications in any of its sections. It is not necessary for those who are interested in any of the contents of the magazine to use access codes.

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The journal is supported by institutional resources from the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, which makes the process of sending, evaluating and editing manuscripts free for collaborators.

The authors of the manuscripts that are sent to the sections of Research, Essays, Reviews, Cultural Scientific Information, Gallery, can safeguard their contributions in institutional repositories or personal web pages, once their works have been published.

Only credit to the journal is required, including bibliographic data: names, surnames, email and institutional affiliation of the author/authors, title of the material, year, volume and edition number in which the corresponding material was published, including the electronic link of the article in Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes. 

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