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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

As of the edition of Volume 7 (2019), authors are required to provide the ORCID code that must be included with their manuscript. For access to the registration page, visit

Guest writer

Intellectual production of outstanding scientists who we invite to accompany us with works on topics determined by some editorial interest.


Section intended for scientific articles that account for an empirical research process with theoretical-methodological support and its due analysis. The articles are structured in the sections: Introduction (includes objectives and theoretical approach), Methodology, Analysis of results, Conclusions and References. Its extension will be between 20 and 25 pages. (See Rules for publication)

This section includes a Research Projects subsection, which presents, as its name suggests, empirical research projects that are in the process of development and whose product will be a scientific article.


Section for reflective work on topics and problems of various kinds. It is composed of Introduction, Development (includes intertitles), Final Considerations and References. (See Rules for publication).


Critical bibliographic reviews and scientific journals.


Registry of artistic works produced both by professors and students of the Decanato Experimental de Humanidades y Artes, as well as recognized artists inside and outside Venezuela.

Cultural scientific information

This section is related to reviews of conferences, events, successful experiences, research advances, socio-community activities (Extension), and other information of an educational, scientific or cultural nature from the Decanato Experimental de Humanidades y Artes of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, as well as from other scientific institutions.

All the productions of essays, articles, as well as the works of the guest writers, are arbitrated by experts in the area addressed and their access is open and free of charge for those interested in their content.


Manuscripts are evaluated through the double-blind system. Criteria for acceptance by referees are defined by quality of content, proper presentation of material, and compliance with the Rules. The reproduction of the works is authorized as long as the intellectual property of the author and the credits of the magazine are respected. The content of the articles is the sole responsibility of the authors.

Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes, publishes unpublished works. The authors must leave a written record of compliance with this requirement, through a letter addressed to the editorial board of the journal, in a separate file from the manuscript. Likewise, they must certify the authorship of the text with their signature. (See format at the end).

Manuscripts can be submitted in digital version (1 CDR) at the Journal Address, located at the headquarters of the Human Development Program, edificio de Posgrado del Deanato de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales  at UCLA, 20th Avenue with Morán Avenue, Boulevard Universitario , Barquisimeto, or through the mail:

The language of Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes is Spanish, although works are published in English. The translation of the abstracts into English will be the responsibility of the author of the manuscript, but the Editorial Board will check that it has been translated correctly before sending the work to the arbitration process. In the manuscripts of the Research section, the author or authors (maximum three) will present the results of unpublished empirical research in the area of ​​the humanities and social sciences with the summary and the abstract accompanied by the descriptors or keywords, and the keywords. The texts for the Research section have an empirical character, while the Essays will consist of papers based on the discussion of a specific topic related to the humanities and social sciences, although it may contain empirical components. In Reviews, collaborations referring to the analysis of books on science and technology, humanities, social sciences, education and related topics are published. In Gallery works of pictorial art, sculptures, murals, digital creations or visual arts in general are published.

Format Considerations

The texts must be presented in Word format, Arial font 12 points, duly justified. Headings and subheadings will be written high and low, highlighted in bold, and centered.

Manuscripts must meet the following conditions: the title must not exceed twenty (20) words. In the next line, the names and surnames of the author(s) will be written, followed by the name of the university, section, department, observatory, institution, etc., to which they belong or belonged during the preparation of the work, the city and the country. The address or email must be indicated. The main author must appear first, in case there is more than one.



                               Transcendence of social marketing in the Venezuela of the 21st century


Maria Jose Perez Fernandez

Central Western University Lisandro Alvarado

Barquisimeto, Venezuela

The abstract must report on the main objective and the relevance of the topic, the theory and methodology used, and the conclusions. It must contain up to 250 words. After the abstract will be the keywords or descriptors, which must be up to five (5) words. Keywords must be separated by commas. Equal consideration for the abstract.

Manuscripts for the Research section (quantitative or qualitative studies) will begin with an Introduction that includes the theoretical support and methodology; then the analysis, conclusions and references. The author may use intertitles to structure the text. The list of references must be complete and organized alphabetically. All direct quotes and paraphrases must appear in the references and there must be correspondence between the last names of the authors and the dates.

Ways of citing in the text

Verbatim citations of more than 40 words in length will be separated from the body of the text and without quotation marks. If it is a quote of less than 40 words, it is written in the body of the text between quotation marks and at the same spacing as the text. In Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes, we follow the model of the APA style norms (7th edition) for the treatment of textual quotes, paraphrases, tables, charts, graphs and list of references.

In this sense, for citations and paraphrases, the model is followed: author (year). Example: Pérez (1997)... Pérez and García (1996). If the same author has published more than one work in the same year, use lowercase letters (a, b, c...) after the year of publication: (Pérez, 2015 a) (Pérez, 2015 b) .

At the end of the quote, in parentheses, write the page number consulted. Example: For González (2010), "Good intentions are not enough in moral matters" (p. 1 2). Also, the following model can be used at the end of the quote, whether textual or paraphrased: "There were during the colony those who took care of forming trees that helped maintain or feign prestige of nobility" (Briceño Guerrero, 1998, p. 9).

Images and pictures

Images must be sent in 200 dpi resolution. All digital photos (maximum six) must be sent in separate files in JPG or TIFF format, duly identified and referred to in the same CDR or message to the institutional mail that contains the article or essay.

Guidelines or specifications for the preparation of the list of References

Regarding the list of References Books: Write the full last name (s) and the initial capital of the name. Year of publication in parentheses. Title of the book in italics. Edition number, if any, and publisher. In the case of scientific journals or other means of periodical publication: surname(s) and name initial, year of publication in parentheses, full title of the article, name of the journal in italics, volume, number and page range.


Gonzalez, G, Ramirez, C., Cardenas, J. (1997). Development Education. Buria Foundation.

González, G, Ramírez, C. and Cárdenas, J. (1997). Development Education. http://xxxxxxxxx

Cornejo, A. (2018). The paradoxes of globalization. Open classroom. 2(2), 32-61.

Cornejo, A. (2018). The paradoxes of globalization. Open classroom. 2(2), 32-61. http://xxxxxxxxx

Cornejo, A. (2018). The paradoxes of globalization. Open classroom. 2(2), 32-61. doi xx xxxxxx

Remember to review the Gino Germani Institute guide for the due treatment of citations, works by authors, references and other aspects referred to.

Once the manuscript is organized, send the CDR or send it to the mail of the journal accompanied by the communication according to the letter model that follows. In a third file, the author's resume in no more than six lines and the ORCID code.

                                                                                                  MODEL LETTER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Place and date


Editorial Board

Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes


Attached I send to you the work entitled ______________________

__________________________________________, in order to request that it be submitted for consideration to be published in Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes. To this end, I (we) declare that this manuscript is original and has not been published in whole or in part in any medium or repository, nor has it been consigned for evaluation and publication in another journal.

In the same way, I (we) comply with informing that the co-authors have read and approved this manuscript in its final form.

We declare that the main author of the work is _____________ and we subscribe to it.



Electronic signature (in case of sending via email)

Name and surname, Postal address, Telephone, Fax, E-mail.


Guidelines updated in January 2022



This section opens when an issue is dedicated to a prominent figure in science, art or literature.

Articulista Invitado

Producción intelectual de científicos destacados que invitamos a acompañarnos con trabajos de temas determinados por algún interés editorial.


Apartado destinado a los artículos científicos que den cuenta de un proceso de investigación empírica con un sustento teórico- metodológico y su debido análisis. Los artículos se estructuran en las secciones: Introducción (incluye objetivos y abordaje teórico), Metodología, Análisis de resultados, Conclusiones y Referencias. Su extensión será entre 20 y 25 cuartillas. (Ver Normas para la publicación)

En esta sección se incluye una subsección de Proyectos de Investigación, en la que se presentan, como su nombre indica, proyectos de investigación empírica que están en proceso de desarrollo y cuyo producto será un artículo científico.   

Research Projects

In this section, research projects are published.


Sección para los trabajos reflexivos sobre temas y problemas de diversa índole. Está compuesto de Introducción, Desarrollo (incluye intertítulos), Consideraciones finales y Referencias. (Ver Normas para la publicación)

Información científica y cultural

Esta sección está relacionada con reseñas de jornadas, eventos, experiencias exitosas, avances de investigación, actividades sociocomunitarias (Extensión), y otras informaciones de orden educativo, científico o cultural del Decanato Experimental de Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, así como de otras instituciones científicas.


Reseñas críticas bibliográficas y de revistas científicas.


Registro de las obras artísticas producidas tanto por profesores y estudiantes del Decanato Experimental de Humanidades y Artes, así como de artistas reconocidos dentro y fuera de Venezuela.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.