La Danza nacionalista: Folklore and popular culture for the project of nation in Venezuela


  • Sylvia María Camacho Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto Dr. Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa


Danza Nacionalista, Folklore, Culture, Nation, Yolanda Moreno


The purpose of this research was to reconstruct from the perspective of social history and through documentary review and interpretation and in­depth interviews, the artistic­cultural dynamics of the Danza Nacionalista in Venezuela, as an expression of folklore and popular culture in the period 1948­2015. In its origins, the Danza Nacionalista promoted from the Retablo de Maravillas, led by the writer Manuel Rodríguez Cárdenas, was part of a political project to promote a sense of nation among the inhabitants of a country that, despite its mining wealth, was disintegrated since its creation as a republic in the first third of the 19th century. We address the historical passing of dance and some conceptual details about dance, popular culture, folklore and nation. Seen in time, it is worth affirming that the Danza Nacionalista, which later acquired the denomination of Danzas Venezuela, earned its space in the artistic endeavor and in the popular imagination of the country, an imaginary rooted in the figure of Yolanda Moreno, the “bailarina del pueblo venezolano".


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Author Biography

Sylvia María Camacho , Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto Dr. Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa

Profesora de Educación Media (Instituto Universitario de Mejoramiento Profesional del Magisterio), especialista en Gerencia Cultural (Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez), magister scientiarum en Planificación de la Educación Superior (Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez), doctora en Cultura Latinoamericana y Caribeña (Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador­Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto). Coordinadora de Extensión Socio­Cultural Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador­ Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto.


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How to Cite

Camacho Castejón, S. M. (2021). La Danza nacionalista: Folklore and popular culture for the project of nation in Venezuela. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 10(1), 7-27. Retrieved from