The artistic series El Siglo

Between fragmentary rewriting or collage of disaffected remnants of the past disaffected from the past and memory technique




El Siglo, Memories of the Future, Bernard Stiegler, Contemporary art of Ecuador, Historical archives of Ecuador


The author analyzes the work El Siglo (20212023) presented in the collective art exhibition Ecolocalidades, inaugurated at the Centro de Investigación de la Fotografía (CIF) at the Universidad de las Artes de Guayaquil, in August 2023. This exhibition was part of the international meeting Locality and technodiversity. Towards artistically and ecologically smart territories, whose activities were produced by the research project NEST (Network Ecologically Smart Territories), and brought together the work of several artists from Ecuador and Latin America. The author develops her analysis by focusing on certain notions that guide the activities carried out by the NEST project, as well as on the idea developed by Bernard Stiegler that the history of memory is specifically a history of the conservation of memory techniques that function in a present different from the one to which they belong. Additionally, the author draws on the curatorial concepts of the exhibition Memories of the Future. Libraries and technologies launched in 1987 by the French philosopher, to expand on the ideas of fragmentary rewriting or collage of disaffected remnants of the past and of memory technique, present in the work El Siglo.

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Author Biography

Rivadeneira Crespo, Universidad de las Artes

Gabriela Rivadeneira, artist, researcher and teacher at Escuela de Cine, Universidad de las Artes. PhD in Arts, Aesthetics and Art Sciences (Sorbonne-Pantheon); Master in Image Didactics in Film Studies; audiovisual (Sorbonne-Nouvelle), Bachelor in Visual Arts. Director of the research project NEST-UArts. Through an interdisciplinary journey in film studies, aesthetic theory and contemporary artistic practice, she explores the dialogues between the arts in their contextual, critical and political dimension.


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How to Cite

Rivadeneira Crespo, G. (2025). The artistic series El Siglo: Between fragmentary rewriting or collage of disaffected remnants of the past disaffected from the past and memory technique. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 13(1), 149-160.