Conceptual maps, significant learning and creativity from the clinical history.




conceptual maps, significant learning, creativity, clinical history


Higher education aims at the comprehensive training of future professionals, teachers and students are involved in this process (Valero, 2021). For this process to be successful, both must resort to tools such as graphic organizers, among others, concept maps. Novak (1990), defines them as a schematic resource that graphically helps to represent conceptual meanings included in a structure of propositions, which serves as a tool to organize and represent knowledge and for learning. Various researchers have studied the same; Dominguez and Vega (2020) point out that concept maps favor meaningful learning, because they work as a scaffold that allows structuring and organizing information, concepts, and ideas in the long-term memory of students. The purpose of this documentary review was to argue the importance of concept maps as a creative tool to achieve significant learning, based on clinical history, referring to the case of students and teachers of the Medical Clinical Chair I, of the Medicine Program, of the Deanship of Health Sciences, of the Universidad Centroccidental ¨Lisandro Alvarado” of Barquisimeto, Venezuela. A documentary review and critical analysis of the subject was carried out. It is concluded that the elaboration of the conceptual maps would allow to create a shared representation of the patient's illness, to identify the relations between the symptoms, to reveal a diagnosis, and under the accompaniment of the teacher, to train, creatively and significantly, the student to plan treatment plans. study and treatment, and increase learning by relating old and new knowledge


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Author Biographies

José Orosimbo Martínez Espinoza , Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Barquisimeto, Venezuela

Médico Internista, MsC en Educación, Doctor en Educación. Docente de Clínica Médica I, Programa de Medicina, Decanato de Ciencias de la Salud, UCLA.

Emma Alejandrina Armanie Cabral , Hospital Central Universitario Dr. Antonio María Pineda, Barquisimeto, Venezuela

Médico Internista y gastroenterólogo. Médico Adjunto, Departamento de Medicina, Hospital Central Universitario ¨Antonio María Pineda¨, en Barquisimeto, Docente Post grado en Gastroenterológica, DCS de la UCLA

Yovanny Antonio Delgado Yépez , Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Barquisimeto, Venezuela

Médico Cirujano Universidad Centroccidenta “Lisandro Alvarado”. MsC en Gerencia 


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How to Cite

Martínez Espinoza , J. O., Armanie Cabral , E. A., & Delgado Yépez , Y. A. (2021). Conceptual maps, significant learning and creativity from the clinical history. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 14(2), 69-80.



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