Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Mayéutica revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes

Mayéutica revista científica de Humanidades y Artes

Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes  is edited by the Experimental Deanship of Humanities and Arts of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.

It is a biannual open access publication, free of charge for its collaborators. Arbitrated and indexed.

ISSN 2343-6158 e-ISSN 2477-9261

This is Volume 9, N° 1, January-June 2021. In this edition, Professor Alexis Guerra Córdova is the author of the Editorial. Adrián Hernández Moreno writes about Jameson and the contemporary Venezuelan novel; Andrea Pérez Ortiz publishes her research on citizenship and human development carried out at the La Salle Institute in Barquisimeto; Marisela Cuevas, Concetta Esposito de Díaz and Yomara Balzán write about the non-governmental organization Aliadas en Cadena, from Venezuela. Professor Ana Maraboli dedicates an essay to public management in Venezuela. We publish in full the speech delivered by Dr. Reinaldo Rojas on his incorporation to the venezuelan Academia Nacional de la Historia. We continue in the Cultural Scientific Information section with Professor Sergio Figallo's series on art therapy and a collective text in memoriam dedicated to the recently deceased intellectual Freddy Castillo Castellanos. Professor Luis Cortés Riera writes to Carora and the Gallery section is from the young Venezuelan photographer Zeus Hernández.

Published: 2021-01-06
