
  • Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes
    Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024)

    This is volume 12, No. 2 of Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes (July-December 2024).

    In this edition, the refereed articles (Research section) are authored by Juan Alonso Molina (Centro de Investigaciones Históricas Federico Brito Figueroa of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador - Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto, Venezuela), Ada Rodríguez (Universidad Nacional de Educación of Ecuador), Ana Gabriela Masaquiza Anancolla (Unidad Educativa Huambaló, Ecuador), Yolanda Aris (also from the Federico Brito Figueroa Historical Research Center of the UPEL IPB and Chronicler of the Palavecino municipality of Lara state, Venezuela). In the Scientific and Cultural Information section write writes our frequent collaborator Sergio Rafael Figallo Calzadilla (Madrid) .  In Recensiones, Jorge Uroz Olivares (Madrid) offers a review of the book by Tomás Calvo Buezas Racismo, hispanofobia y cambios de valores en América .Encuesta iberoamericana de valores 1993 y 2019. The Gallery section is dedicated to the special edition published by the Círculo Musical de Caracas in 1967 on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the founding of this city. These books, entitled Caracas 400 years, contains articles by renowned intellectuals of the time, photographs, paintings and two long-playing records on “Literary Values” and “Political Thought of the Liberator”, directed and edited by playwright José Ignacio Cabrujas. 

    The cover of the magazine is illustrated with the work Los tres comisarios, by Venezuelan artist Héctor Poleo and was published by the Círculo Musical in Caracas 400 años on July 25, 1967.

  • Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024)

    This is volume 12, number 1 of Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes (January-June 2024).

  • Cubierta Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes, Vol 11, Nro. 2

    Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes
    Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023)

    This is volume 11, No. 2 of Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes (July-December 2023).

    This edition is dedicated to three renowned figures in the field of arts: Rafael Cadenas, the first Venezuelan to obtain the Premio de Literatura en Lengua Castellana Miguel de  Cervantes; Juan Francisco Sans, musicologist, one of the most prolific authors in Latin American music research; and "Cheíta" Quintana, prominent Venezuelan soprano. Write in this edition the member of the Academia Colombiana de la Historia and Consejo Nacional de la Cultura, Marcos González Pérez; Juan Carlos Araque and María Verónica Riera Montenegro, from the Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi and Ana Urrego Santiago, from the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo; Beatriz Carolina Carvajal, from the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado; Freddy Marín González from the Universidad de la Costa, Colombia  and Luis Ibarra Morales from the Universidad Estatal de Sonora. There is also Francy Montoya Gámez and Milva Javitt, both of tehm from the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado; José Alberto Castillo Sivira, from the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador-Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto and Luis Pérez Valero, from the Universidad de las Artes de Guayaquil. The list of authors continues with the Venezuelan tenor, Aquiles Machado, artistic director of La Opera de la Coruña, Galicia, and of the Asociación Más Que Ópera of Madrid; Ricardo Escorcio, doctoral candidate at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Luis Romero Perozo, former coordinator of the Musical Research Center of the Escuela de Música del Estado Mérida  and current director of the Workers' Choir of the Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela; Bartolomé Díaz Sahagún, from the Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas; Miguel Astor, from the Universidad Central de Venezuela and the Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes; Silvia Cabrelles Martinelli, from the Orqueta de Cámara de Costa Rica ; Irene Zerpa Gimón, from the Fundación Conservatprio Vicente Emilio Sojo and the Universiad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez; Oswaldo Rodríguez, Researcher at the Universidad Tecnológica and the Research Group Philology from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras and our constant collaborator, Sergio Figallo Calzadilla, from the Centro Integral de Artes de Madrid. The plastic artist and musician, Andrés Barrios Gallipoli, is the author of the works in the Galería section, dedicated to the maestro Juan Francisco Sans.

     Email:  ISSN 2343-6158,  e-ISSN 2477-9261.

  • Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes (Vol. 11, Nro 1, enero junio 2023)
    Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023)

    This is number 1 of volume 11, January-June, year 2023 of Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.

    Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes is an open access, peer-reviewed (double blind system), indexed, biannual scientific journal that publishes research and essays in the humanities, arts and social sciences, free of charge for its contributors and authors. It is transdisciplinary in nature and is aimed at educators, students, researchers, members of the academic community and anyone with an interest in the humanities, arts and social sciences. It is published by the Experimental Dean's Office of Humanities and Arts of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.  ISSN 2343-6158,  e-ISSN 2477-9261.

    Cover image: Catedral, a work by artist and musician Andrés Barrios Gallipoli, presented at the Exhibition Hall of the Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas.

  • Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes
    Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022)

    This is number 2 of volume 10, July December, year 2022 of Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.

    Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes is a biannual scientific publication of open access, refereed, indexed, that publishes research and essays in the area of ​​humanities, arts and social sciences, without charges for its collaborators or authors. It has a transdisciplinary nature and is aimed at educators, students, researchers, the academic community and anyone who has an interest in knowledge in the areas of the humanities, arts and social sciences. It is edited by the Decanato Experimental de Humanidades y Artes of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. ISSN 2343-6158e-ISSN 2477-9261.

    Cover photo: El Fumador, by Arturo Michelena, drawing published in El Cojo Ilustrado, on May 15, 1892.

  • Cubierta Mayeutica Vil 10, Nro. 1

    January-June: Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes
    Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022)

    MAYÉUTICA REVISTA CIENTÍFICA DE HUMANIDADES Y ARTES is a biannual scientific publication of open access, refereed, indexed,  that discloses intellectual production in the area of ​​humanities, arts and social sciences, without charges for its collaborators or authors. It is aimed at educators, students, researchers, the public of the academic community and anyone who has an interest in knowledge in the area of ​​humanities, arts and social sciences.

    It was created in 2013 and edited by the Experimental Dean of Humanities and Arts of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. This Deanery groups the Visual Arts, Music, Psychology and Human Development programs. The magazine publishes works on the social and / or human sciences (including the arts and literature) in Spanish and English. Contact:

    This is el volumen 10, number 1, january-june  2021

    Construcciones programadas, del maestro Esteban Castillo. 

    ISSN 2343-6158 e-ISSN 2477-9261

  • Alirio Díaz, foto Rafael Gullén , de la serie Conocidos desconocidos

    Mayéutica revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes
    Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021)

    This is number 2 of volume 9 (2021) of MAYÉUTICA REVISTA CIENTÍFICA DE HUMANIDADES Y ARTES. Is a biannual scientific publication of open access, refereed, indexed, in the area of ​​humanities, arts and social sciences, without charges for its collaborators or authors. Edited by the Experimental Dean of Humanities and Arts of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. This Deanery groups together the Visual Arts, Music, Psychology and Human Development programs. The magazine publishes works on the social and / or human sciences (including the arts and literature) in Spanish and English. Contact:, ISSN 2343-6158, e-ISSN 2477-9261.

  • Mayéutica revista científica de Humanidades y Artes

    Mayéutica revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes
    Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021)

    Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes  is edited by the Experimental Deanship of Humanities and Arts of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.

    It is a biannual open access publication, free of charge for its collaborators. Arbitrated and indexed.

    ISSN 2343-6158 e-ISSN 2477-9261

    This is Volume 9, N° 1, January-June 2021. In this edition, Professor Alexis Guerra Córdova is the author of the Editorial. Adrián Hernández Moreno writes about Jameson and the contemporary Venezuelan novel; Andrea Pérez Ortiz publishes her research on citizenship and human development carried out at the La Salle Institute in Barquisimeto; Marisela Cuevas, Concetta Esposito de Díaz and Yomara Balzán write about the non-governmental organization Aliadas en Cadena, from Venezuela. Professor Ana Maraboli dedicates an essay to public management in Venezuela. We publish in full the speech delivered by Dr. Reinaldo Rojas on his incorporation to the venezuelan Academia Nacional de la Historia. We continue in the Cultural Scientific Information section with Professor Sergio Figallo's series on art therapy and a collective text in memoriam dedicated to the recently deceased intellectual Freddy Castillo Castellanos. Professor Luis Cortés Riera writes to Carora and the Gallery section is from the young Venezuelan photographer Zeus Hernández.

  • Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes
    Vol. 8 (2020)

    Mayeútica revista científica de humanidades y artes is an open access and annual publication. No charges for authors. This edition is dedicated, in memoriam, to the poet Jesús Enrique Barrios (1936-2019), an outstanding figure of the arts in Venezuela and a member of the editorial team of  Principia magazine at UCLA. In this volume we have the collaboration of researchers Elsi Jiménez (Universidad Central de Venezuela); Mauricio Iranzo (Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela); Ilse Guerra (Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela); Milva Javitt (Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela); Paula Gutiérrez (Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela). In Ensayos section, we are joined by Professor Naudy Trujillo Mascia and Professor Beatriz Carvajal, Freddys Pérez ,  from the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. In Información científica y cultural , we publish articles by the writer and professor Freddy Castillo Castellanos, it is part of his diary dedicated to the poet Barrios; by professor Sergio Figallo, specialist in arts who supports us from Spain; by professor Yolanda Aris, historian from Laredo and by María Antonieta Orlando, graduate of the UCLA Human Development Program. The Galería section publishes an exhibition of José Sigala's work, the first National Photography Prize in Venezuela.  

    ISSN 23436158 e-ISSN 2477 9261

  • Portada VOL VII

    Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes 2019
    Vol. 7 (2019)

    VOL VII, January-December 2019

    In this edition, we have as Invitado Especial Professor Carlos Mascareño, PhD coordinator in Estudios del Desarrollo (Cendes-UCV). We also publish the works of professors Carlos Meléndez,  Alexis Guerra and  (UCLA), Yolanda Aris (Official Chronicler of Palavecino Municipality) and of the licensee Dénesis Sáez (BCV). The Galería section is dedicated to a collection of drawings belonging to the Ateneo de Cabudare and that were made by the artist Elio Naccarella, who died in 2014. Naccarella illustrated beautifully  the stories of a group of children participating in the II Concurso de Literatura Infantil organized by the Ateneo in 2002 .

    ISSN 23436158                        e-ISSN 2477 9261

  • Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes
    Vol. 6 (2018)

    In this edition, we have as Special Guest the renowned Venezuelan historian, Reinaldo Rojas. We also publish the works of professors Julio Colina (UCLA), Naudy Trujillo (UCLA), Milva Javitt (UCLA), Gerardo Roa (Venezuelan Society of Musicology), Ignacio Sánchez (UPEL IPB), Beatriz Terán (UCLA) and Sazkia Montagna (UPTAEB). The Gallery section is dedicated to a collective exhibition of the Kuai Mare de Barquisimeto Project, in homage to the international guitarist Alirio Díaz. 

    ISSN 23436158                        e-ISSN 2477 9261

  • Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes
    Vol. 5 (2017)

    In this edition, we have as special guest the outstanding Venezuelan researcher, Carlota Pérez. We also publish the works of professors Freddys René Pérez (UCLA), Clarisa Quero (UCLA), Mauricio Ballestas, Edwin Antiche, Francy Montoya (UCLA), Ada Rodríguez (UPEL) and Pedro Rodríguez (UCLA). The gallery section is dedicated to the Venezuelan photographer Orlando "Jesucristo" Pérez.

    ISSN 23436158                                   e-ISSN 2477 9261

  • Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes. Volumen 4

    Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes
    Vol. 4 (2016)

    This is volume 4, No. 1 of year 4 of our magazine. Our special guests are Juan Francisco Sans and Mariantonia Palacios, Venezuelan musicologists of recognized international trajectory. We also bring works by researchers Antonio Giménez (UCLA), Carlos Meléndez Pereira (UCLA) and Víctor Vivas (UCLA).

    ISSN 2343-6158                 e-ISSN 2477-9261


  • Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes. Volumen 3

    Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes
    Vol. 3 (2015)

    This is the third volume of the magazine. We have two special guests, one academic and another, a social fighter: Teolinda Bolívar and Martha Hernández. Both tell us about his long experience in a housing construction project in the Julian Blanco neighborhood of Caracas. We publish the collaborations of Professors María Fabiana Zapata (UCLA), Carlos Giménez Lizarzado (UCLA) and Alida Briceño (UCLA). The Gallery section is dedicated to the work of professors and students of the Programa de Artes Plásticas of UCLA, on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of this career.

    ISSN 2343- 6158        e-ISSN  2477-9261

  • Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes. Volumen 2

    Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes
    Vol. 2 (2014)

    This is volume 2, No. 1 of our magazine. The special guest is the teacher Diana Rengifo, who offers us a filial look of her father, the plastic artist and dramatist César Rengifo. We also publish works by professors Otto Castellanos (UCLA), Mary Pineda (UCLA), Carlos Gimenez Lizarzado (UCLA) and the researcher of Banco Central de  Venezuela, Ricardo De Angelis.

    ISSN 2343-6158       e ISSN 2477-9261         

  • Mayéutica Revista Científica de Humanidades y Artes
    Vol. 1 (2013)

    This is the first issue of Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes. An editorial project aimed at expansion that disseminates knowledge in the area of ​​social and / or human sciences and the arts. It is a publication of the Decanato Experimental de Humanidades y Artes of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela.

    ISSN 2343 6158           Depósito legal PP201302LA4423