Relevance of the lines of research. a vision in the complexity of university institutions




research lines, university institutions, complexity


This writing arises from the need for the researcher to break into the topic of the relevance of the lines of research in the current context, where the authorized academic lexicons, the existing legislation and the directives of the higher education centers at the Central Western University Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA) reiterate the importance for research of both the quality of education and quality education, in addition, the search for answers in a context as complex as that of university organizations. It is the challenge of this article, to analyze everything that surrounds the lines of research from the complexity of university organizations, specifically the Dean of Health Sciences of UCLA and what it might be. significant or at least bring the reader closer to an understanding of the concept of lines of research from the systemic and organizational transformation of university institutions, where the university organization turns out to be an interesting and very important reference today. The essence of any process that involves man from any condition, place and space is a generator of changes and it is from there that the university organization as a becoming involves the main phenomena that take place within it, making them processual in nature, and extremely dynamic; its elements are decisions and decisions are events tied to time, in such a way that at the very moment they arise they begin to fade, to make way for new decisions that, connecting with previous decisions, produce the change that is always present and whose tangibility will only be visible when the new parameters products of this change are established, considering the lines of research are to teaching and social projection, what the research tasks are to the university.


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Author Biography

Doris Ángel Moreno, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Barquisimeto, Venezuela

Doctorante en Gerencia. Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado Decanato ciencias de la Salud. Programa de Enfermería


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How to Cite

Ángel Moreno, D. (2021). Relevance of the lines of research. a vision in the complexity of university institutions. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 14(2), 89-96.



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