Change management from an onto-hermeneutic perspective in the university organizations context




change management, hermeneutic


At present, it is necessary, in a wide and forceful way, to obtain a series of information that allows reordering the spectrum of the managerial kaleidoscope to which he was clinging to a certain temporality and specialty. This contrasting of ideas in a dialectical mode has facilitated a neo-vision of the expeditious and tacit reality of the new form, vision and mission of management applied to the new vision of the contemporary world. In this sense, the present essay tries to expose in detail the importance of organizational changes, which are understood as the consequences of the dialectic or the transformations of the dialecticity to which organizations are subject from an onto-hermeneutic perspective, centered on the Inspiration of the epistemology that aspires an understanding of the phenomenon or the fact studied from a perspective that does not alter the essence of the analyzed thing, but that the unaltered maintenance of the reality of the fact in itself, allows the access to a knowledge as shown for to be able to understand and then be able to transform.


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Author Biography

Doris Angel Moreno, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado UCLA, Barquisimeto Venezuela

Docente de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Decanato ciencias de la Salud.


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How to Cite

Angel Moreno, D. (2021). Change management from an onto-hermeneutic perspective in the university organizations context. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 14(1), 37-46.



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