Administrative Process as a Transversal Axis in the Curricular Design of the Nursing Career


  • Doris Ángel Moreno Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA)
  • Tania del Valle Chávez Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA)
  • Nichol José Alvarado Mendoza Universidad Pedagogica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto (IPB)



administrative process, curriculum, higher education, nursing


Purpose to: interpret the administrative process as a transversal axis in the curricular design of the nursing career from the meanings attributed by the teachers of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Methodology: The study articulated from an interpretative paradigm, qualitative approach, and phenomenological method under the modality of curricular research based on hermeneutics. The field design is descriptive; the study subjects were four teachers of the UCLA Nursing Program. The in-depth interview technique applied, and categorization, codification, triangulation and theorization used as heuristic procedures to reveal the findings of the study. Results: at the crossroads of tradition and innovation, it is necessary to obtain in a broad and forceful way, curricular comprehensions that allow reordering the fundamental axes that must conform the designs of the careers in Health Sciences, from there to rethink, how to face the managerial world in Health Sciences. In this contrast of ideas, four findings emerged (a) Foundations and theoretical framework of the administrative process; (b) Planning for pertinent educational management; (c) Methodology and development of curricular practices; and (d) Nursing practice and professional context. Conclusion: the administrative process is an integral, transversal and dynamic curricular component for nursing education


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Author Biographies

Doris Ángel Moreno, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA)

Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Estudios Posdoctorales. Doctor en Gerencia UFT. Magister en Gerencia UPEL-IPB, Maestrante en Currículo UPEL-IPB. Profesor Ordinario Asociado de Administración, adscrito al Departamento de Enfermería UCLA. Docente Posdoctorados UPEL-IPB.

Tania del Valle Chávez , Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA)

Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado.  Maestrante en Currículo UPEL-IPB. Profesor Ordinario Instructor de Administración de la Atención, adscrito al Departamento de Enfermería UCLA 

Nichol José Alvarado Mendoza , Universidad Pedagogica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto (IPB)

Doctor en Educación UCLA-UNEXPO-UPEL. Magister en Currículo UPEL-IPB, Profesor de Currículo adscrito al Departamento de Formación Docente UPEL-IPB, categoría Asociado. Coordinador de la Línea de Investigación Innovaciones Curriculares en y para el Desarrollo Social UPEL-IPB.


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How to Cite

Ángel Moreno, D., Chávez , T. del V., & Alvarado Mendoza , N. J. (2025). Administrative Process as a Transversal Axis in the Curricular Design of the Nursing Career. Salud, Arte Y Cuidado, 18(1), 49-60.



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